Friday, April 27, 2012

It's here! It's here!

Yesterday I got mail from the UK. Yes sir indeed. The Alice -dvd from The Ballet Bag arrived, autographed by the lovely Royal Ballet Principal dancers! Took some photos :) And shall watch it this weekend.

I like the part "with compliments"... :D

Lauren Cuthbertson (Alice/gold) and Zenaida Yanowsky (the Queen of Hearts/silver)!!!!! :)

Edward Watson (the White Rabbit/gold) and Steven McRae (the Mad Hatter/silver)!!!!! :)
The COOL photo from the back of the leaflet.


  1. Absolutely wonderful, I am so jealous of the fabulous prize you won :-)

    1. Thanks!! :D I'm still quite over the moon about it. And what a coincidence it was, writing about it and then suddenly getting it, for my own... :))) Also one doesn't get her hands on ballet dvd's too easily in Finland, in the shops I mean.
