Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spring Recital!

It's aaaaalllllll over for this season.... Well, the recital stuff at least. We had the one and only performance for this Spring today, at one of the local schools. The stage was tiny, but it came as no surprise as I've been there before. Our coreography was 2,5 minutes (like all others) and went by so quickly. Too fast, I'd say. I really really like being on stage, with flute or dancing.

We took 3 photos of our small group, here they are. (A "bit" edited, just in case.)

Those lovely skirts... :D Well, it's always fun to wear a full circle skirt, and even with tulle under it! Pirouettes were extra nice to perform - we had 2 x soutenu and then some chaines'. Later on there was 3 x en dehors to the right, from 4th position. They would have been even More fun on a bigger stage. Same goes for the jumps. There was practically no space after the first. But challenges are made to be taken over. Or won. Or something.

My evening was as good as it could have been. Only one small step to the side (my balance didn't stay put), but everything else was okay. Day after tomorrow there's going to be our last Friday class - dislike the fact. Luckily last Saturday we got some good news about summer -> there'll be a class 2 times a week, on Monday and Wednesday evenings. I'm hoping we'll do some pointe during them, too. Have to ask about it, maybe this Saturday already. Would be boring to have a 3 month break from The Shoes.

Now I'm off to bed. Rented the-girl-with-a-dragon-tattoo, but didn't have the energy to watch. In the morning then. And I've seen the originals & read the books many times, so there's really nothing new to it... :)

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