Thursday, December 22, 2011

Joulukalenteri - Christmas Calendar - vol. 21

Taas oon vähän myöhässä luukkuineni, mutta väliäkös tuolla... :) Aiheena tänään: "No onkos tullut kesä?" Videon musiikki on kesäkonsertistani, encore jonka soitin pienten urkujen kanssa. (Kaksi pikkuruista kohtaa, joihin en oo tyytyväinen, mutta olkoot kun kerta live-äänite ;D)

Kuvat otettu viime kesänä muistaakseni suurin osa :)


Okay, I'm late again with my memory, but it doesn't matter... :) Today's subject comes from a Christmas carol that says something like: "Is it summer again, in the middle of winter? Shall we make a nest for the birds? The (Christmas) tree has started blooming with candles, lighting the dark evenings. The old get young again, playing like children. They straighten up, everyone is happy!"

The music is from my recital in July, an encore I played with small organ. There are two places I'm not happy with, but it's a live recording, so we'll let it pass... ;D Photos have mostly been taken this summer :)



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