Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Minus 7 by our National Ballet @ the Senate Square

As promised, here's rest of my photos from Friday 25th May. The work is indeed an excerpt from the fabulous 'Minus 7' by Ohad Naharin (music was a compilation). If you ever have the chance to see this, go! :)

The energy!
Getting ready... leave the stage...
...and mingle with the audience! 

Yay! :)
The girl (second from the left) was sitting next to me, wearing some supercool shoes!

Grand plié!

Some slow latin mood...
The girl with The shoes. (At this point she was the only audience member left on stage.)

3 rows, each doing their own thing.
This was just before the final freestylish part! The dancers went crazy! :D No good photos from that part, sorry :)


  1. Some good action pics. And this must have been interesting to watch.

    1. Thank You! :) As I love dancing and dancers and watching it, I really envy those who have the time/equipment/possibility to focus more on it.

  2. Huomenna pitäis mennä katsomaan kansallisbalettia! Jee! Viime vuonna en päässyt kun oli just samaan aikaan kurssisihteerinä töissä. Nyt onneks on myöhemmin toi kurssisihteerin homma.

    1. Mahtavaa!! :) Oli varmaan hieno esitys, huomasinkin sun laittaneen jotain kuvia. Täytyy käydä kattomassa tarkemmin. Näitkö koko show'n?
