Thursday, January 26, 2012

One (short) special ballet memory

I'm very happy right now :) Just watched 2 (out of 3) episodes of a Finnish dance documentary called Askelmerkkejä (quick translation Stepmarks). It's a story of our (art) dance, including classical ballet, contemporary, jazz... Everything. In chronological order. First part was somewhat familiar, the beginning steps of the National Ballet and the brave people who took a dive into the new kind of profession. I have a book called "The smiling ghost of the Old Opera", lots of pictures of our first principal dancers etc. Same stuff in the episode.


But second part had the reason to my happiness! It had more and more talk about jazz and contemporary, combining them to ballet, different dance groups being formed. But also (again) clips from the rehearsals of National Ballet. And one clip showed my dear first ballet teacher, close-up! :) She had the same kind of scarf in her hair as she had when teaching. I've been missing her many times these years and hoping to catch a glimpse of her somewhere. Now I did :)


Also I've been playing with the thought of how nice it would be to meet her at the gala on Saturday. But it's quite far-fetched, as there's two evenings and LOTS of people. But one never knows, right?

I used to have a small article of her telling about her first big role, Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. And there was also a photo of her. But I've lost it :( She's in one of the photos in that Opera book I have, luckily.

Should be packing at the moment, for the weekend. Decided on the gala dress yesterday, shoes and bag today. Jewelry - not yet. Too many options!

Back of my dress :) Love those birds! In front it has a V-neck, small pockets on the sides <3

I'm really really Really waiting for Saturday :) Also for the training we have, but also then for Sunday - as I got the chance to take 2 classes in Footlight and some dance geek friends will be there, too :) More stuff to pack, but who cares... YAY! :)


  1. Wish I could go to the 90th Birthday Gala too!!! The programme sounds fab! But I'll see you on Sunday Iepukka - looking forward to it too! : )

    1. Thanks, I thinks it's going to be a wonderful experience tomorrow! :) And yay for Sunday!!!!!! It's a geek meeting :D
